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What happens (in me) around structural biology

Actualizado: 29 may 2018

Day after day I wonder why I still think that an electron density map is the closest thing to reality that I know.

It´s been almost 20 years since I noticed that my real passion was the study of 3D structures at the molecular level. Many, many things have happened in my life since then, but this feeling has survived. The intention of this space is to keep a record of people around that also share this driving force somehow.

Going with my passion

A new electron density map is a real driving force.

One of the very few things that I remember exactly in my life was the moment that I solved the crystal structure of the RNA subunit of RNase P. It was a moment of pure, crystal clear happiness that was worth absolutely everything. Before and since then, nothing has been the same.

Now I run a lab in Mexico, where the struggle lies somewhere else. There are many fights to win at the same time, and each one seems sometimes more difficult than the other. But we have gained something. In 2016, after many years, we published something that we think is a real contribution regarding protein evolution and the origin of the genetic code. As usual, time will settle down things....

Finding others

Recently, we started an effort to gather the discussion and collaboration between some researchers interested in protein stuff in Mexico. Our sessions, named #proteinlunch , have been rewarding in general, but it is clear that much, much has and remains to be done. Still thinking about the best mechanisms to boost and promote critical thinking, and to keep in mind that what matters most is the quality of your research, not the number of papers that you may get.

Looking everywhere


I am pleased to find something new everytime. Or at least trying to reveal if the "new" story or discovery is not hiding an old, known concept. Anyway, what can be best than struggling to be on the border?

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